Thursday, May 17, 2012


July 11, 1996
Amschel Rothschild, the man many believed would be the prestigious Rothschild Bank's next leader, hanged himself in a Paris luxury hotel, a newspaper reported Thursday.
Rothschild's body was found by a cleaning lady Monday in his room at the Hotel Bristol, not far from the presidential Elysee Palace, the Paris daily Le Parisien said. Rothschild, 41, was widely expected to take over the British merchant bank N.M. Rothschild and Sons.
Police officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the paper the banker hanged himself. Both the bank and the Rothschild family refused to comment on the death.
Rothschild was appointed chief executive of Rothschild Asset Management in 1990, later becoming its chairman. The moves led to speculation that he was being prepared to succeed his cousin Sir Evelyn Rothschild as chairman of the family bank.
The Rothschild family gained prominence by financing such projects as the construction of European railroads and the British military campaign that led to the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815.
Rothschild is survived by his wife, Anita Guinness, a son, and two daughters.
Funeral arrangements were not announced but were expected to be private.

Posted By: Agent 777 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 30-Apr-2000 04:43:48

The Associated Press N E W Y O R K, April 29 —A scion of the internationally known Rothschild family collapsed on a Manhattan sidewalk and died of an apparent drug overdose following a downtown party, officials said.

Authorities said Raphael de Rothschild, 23, died on the afternoon of April 22 outside a Chelsea loft. William Corbin, a friend of Rothschild, was later arrested and charged with heroin possession, according to police. Corbin has denied any involvement in the death. Ellen Borakove, a spokeswoman for the city medical examiner, said toxicology results were pending. But a police source told the New York Daily News, “We have little doubt he died of a drug overdose.”

Family’s Fame Spans Centuries

Like the Rockefellers in the United States, the Rothschilds played a major role in French business and culture. They helped make Paris one of the most significant financial capitals in Europe, and are famed for their wineries in the Bordeaux region, including the baron’s Chateau Clark.

The family gained prominence by financing such massive projects as European railroads and the British military campaign that led to the final defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte at Waterloo in June 1815.

With their vast wealth, they acquired first-rate art and period furnishings, much of which has been donated to French museums like the Louvre. The current generation of the family expanded to both London and New York.

Raphael’s father, Nathaniel de Rothschild, heads an $8 billion financial services company.


Posted By: Agent 777 [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 2-May-2000 23:28:34



Pubdate: Mon, 01 May 2000 Source: Irish Independent (Ireland) Website:

Author: Ben Fenton Raphael de Rothschild, scion of one of the world's richest families, has been found dead of a suspected heroin overdose on a pavement in a rundown area of New York. Mr de Rothschild (23) is believed to have taken a large dose of the drug at a party with friends on 10th Avenue in the city's Chelsea section. Living in the same building on Fifth Avenue where Jackie Onassis had her home, Mr de Rothschild was the grandson of Elie de Rothschild, one of the stalwarts of the French side of a financial dynasty that once held the purse strings of Europe. Elie had a tempestuous relationship with the late Pamela Harriman, ex-wife of Sir Winston Churchill's son Randolph, in the post-war years but rebuffed her entreaties to divorce his wife and marry her. Mr de Rothschild's father, Nathaniel, is chairman of a European banking business worth 5bn pounds Sterling. Friends said Raphael was bursting with vitality and was a fixture on New York's fashionable social circuit. In a life of glamorous parties and beautiful girlfriends, he frequented nightspots like Moomba and Harry Cipriani. New York papers yesterday quoted friends who described him as "out of control and in the city's fast lane". He had been a student at America's best known private schools and then went to the Ivy League Brown University in Rhode Island. The death is the latest in a series of tragedies to afflict the world's greatest banking dynasty. In 1923, Charles Rothschild, a scion of the British branch of the family, cut his throat while in the grip of depression. Charles's grandson Amschel hanged himself in a Paris hotel in 1996. Raphael de Rothschild is not the first member of his family to have flirted with heroin. Four years ago, his cousin Benjamin was fined pounds 400 for carrying the drug in Southampton airport, England. The Geneva-based Benjamin was revealed to be a registered addict who had been enrolled in rehabilitation programmes in Paris.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bel+ane (May Day)

Occult Holidays

1. Winter Solstice - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath
a. December 21 - Yule
b. December 21-22 - Winter Solstice/Yule. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
c. February 1 and 2 - Candlemas and Imbolg, a.k.a. Groundhog's Day. One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
d. February 14 - Valentine's Day

2. Spring Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor sabbath but does require human sacrifice
a. March 21-22 - Goddess Ostara - Note: Easter is the first Sunday after the first new moon after Ostara. March 21 is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
b. April 1 - All Fool's Day, precisely 13 weeks since New Year's Day!
c. April 19 - May 1 - Blood Sacrifice To The Beast. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.
d. April 30 - May 1 - Beltaine Festival, also called Walpurgis Night. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar. May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required

3. Summer Solstice - 13 weeks - When the sun reaches its northernmost point in its journey across the sky
a. June 21 - 22 - Summer Solstice
b. June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America's Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April 30
d. July 19 - 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 - August 1 - Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August - One of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights

4. Autumnal Equinox - 13 weeks - Minor Sabbath but does require human sacrifice
a. September 21 - Mabon - one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
b. September 21 -22 - Autumnal Equinox
c. October 31 - Samhain, also known as Halloween, or All Hallows Eve. This date is the Illuminati's highest day of human sacrifice

  Beltaine Festival, also called "Walpurgis Night".

This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch's Calendar, while May 1 is the Illuminati's second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required. Since the celebration officially began the night before Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony. This tradition was strong enough that Adolf Hitler decided to kill himself on April 30 at 3:30pm, thus creating a "333" and placing his suicide sacrifice within the Beltaine time frame.
Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility. We find it interesting that the Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltaine "Balefire" every year ["America's Occult Holidays", Doc Marquis, p. 30]
The "Maypole" originated from the celebration of Beltaine. Since fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the phallic symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle that is symbolic of the female sex organ.
Four six-foot alternating red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation - remember, this is a "fertility" celebration day!
To demonstrate their occult, Illuminist ties, Communists have always celebrated "May Day"

APRIL 19th is important to many. Let’s begin at looking at the month of April and the dates that are important to Satanist, and those that follow Lucifer and the so called Illuminate or so called NWO Global elite.
To Satanist, Easter Week-end is set aside for a Black Mass/Black Sabbath. To mock the death of Jesus Christ, a man is sacrificed on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday, known to Satanists as unholy Sunday, a woman or man is sacrificed followed by three days of fasting and chanting.

April 19 - 25 Sacrifice preparation: kidnapping, holding and ceremonial preparation of person for human sacrifice.

April 25 - The Da Muer ritual: Grand climax. Sex rituals and sacrifice of a woman or young girl.

April 30 - Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.

To better understand what is going on, let us take a closer look at April 19th and what this date signifies to many different groups.

April 19 – May 1 is a very important time period to Satanist, Lucifer Followers and the Illuminate. Blood Sacrifice To The Beast Moloch begins a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19th, especially children and women or just plain innocent victims that many just consider collateral damage.

April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire, the fire god, Baal, or Moloch/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan-Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding a (Fire sacrifice) with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days of the year to Satanist and others, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day throughout history.

Remember, the Illuminati considers war to be a most acceptable way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults indiscriminately. Killing indiscriminately is an accepted manner for killing those that are unsuspectingly killed for some ritualistic blood sacrifice.

In Neopaganism, Bealtaine is considered a cross-quarter day, marking the midpoint in the Sun's progress between the spring equinox and summer solstice. The astronomical date for this midpoint is closer to 5 May or 7 May, but this can vary from year to year.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Feast of the Beast

In simple terms, the Feast of the Beast is a yearlong event that occurs every 28 years and is attended by Illuminati leadership from around the world. It is a very high level ceremony, and would not be recognized at the anarchy ritual level of the Illuminati.
Ritual is very important to Satan, and to the Illuminati. There are a number of reasons to this. One, it provides an excuse to carry out horrible things without having to feel any guilt. A person can explain away things as “It was time for that.” or “That’s the way things are done.” Or, “we must protect these traditions”.
Lewis Spense’s An Encyclopedia of Occultism (originally published in 1920, and republished in 1960) says on p. 263 in its article on Magical Numbers, “In magical rites, numbers played a great part.” We may well ask why?
The council for witch covens in the Portland area recommends the book The Witches Way as a method for the new witch to learn witchcraft from the Book of Shadows. Because the book is sold publicly, it leaves out secret rituals from the Book of Shadows. On p. 151 in the chapter “Myth, ritual and symbolism” the reader is told that symbols appeal to the unconscious and that numbers are used as symbols. In other words, numbers are a way to plant ideas into the subconscious.
The Feast of the Beast is associated with the number 28 (as well as its reverse 82, and as well as the combination 7 times 4). One of the best books on providing the occult world’s meanings of numbers is Aleister Crowley’s books Gematria and Tables of Correspondences. On page 58 of Crowley’s Table of Correspondences under the Orders of Qliphoth, we’re informed that 28 is the number of the Beast, that is Bahimiron which is Bestial. Crowley also teaches that the number 28 is associated with the unicorn, the peacock, the peacock & the rainbow, artificial glass (& chalcedony which suggests clouds), astrology in general, a number of perfumes such as Rhubarb and Stammonia, and a 3 headed beast (heads of a bull, man & ram) riding a dragon. In his book Gematria, about the numerology of mystic numbers, we are told that in the static universe 28 means power (Netzach, also spelled netsach), and in the world the magician makes it means “My victory, my power.”
There is no question that Cabalists view 28 as a very powerful number. Further, when we realize that 28 is also a combination of 7 (perfection) and 4 (also considered completeness or perfection), we can appreciate that 28 on a Magical calendar system is powerful. Accordingly, the Illuminati made note in their rituals in 1982, that 82 is the reversal of 28. According to some, the year long Feast of the Beast occurred in 1982, and the previous one occurred in ’53 or ’54. The next one is to occur in 2009 or 2010.
You will note that some very important changes in planning/operation occurred during the 53-54 time period. The first Bilderberg meeting began in 1954. This was the time when all the various factions of world power signed into a pact of cooperation. It was a secret turning point where a genuine One-World power came into being. The Priory of Sion, the secret order behind the Knights Templars, began to disseminate information about itself. The United States shifted from a military where conventional weapons were emphasized to organizing itself around nuclear weapons. The U.S. also pushed atomic energy worldwide with the “Atoms for Peace” program. A number of occultists had previously predicted this worldwide shift towards nuclear energy for both war and peace purposes. (Another energy projection was that money will become units of energy.)
At the Feast of the Beast, a beautiful bride is trained and presented to Satan, and she may well be a virgin. This ceremony is most likely held at a castle or palace, and is also likely to be held over in Europe for the principle ceremony. Lesser ceremonies may be held here in the states. Witnesses claim that Satan appears and interacts with his human leadership. He provides them with detailed instructions for what he wants done until the next Feast of the Beast. In other words, he provides the top Illuminati hierarchy with their future long-range plans. The actual Feast of the Beast is a yearlong ceremony.
However, there is also a small ceremony performed before the autumn equinox approximately around the 5th to the 7th of September, which is a Marriage to the Beast ceremony, that can also be called The Feast of the Beast. It is a microcosm of the large ceremony. Or perhaps one could call it an imitation.
It was also claimed by one informant that the Feast of the Beast in 1982 was the 13th from 1618, and that the Feast of the Beast in 1618 had been a significant event.
The Illuminati have certain people assigned to focus on spiritual power. Some readers may remember that I have explained that the Collins family was brought into the hierarchy because they were so powerful magically. The Rothschilds have the financial power, but the Collins family has been very powerful witches. Women are spiritually very powerful in the Illuminati, and some women in the Illuminati are very important in planning and making the rituals successful. I write this because those Illuminati members who are part of the spiritual section of the Illuminati are going to be better informed than other sections (say the political, scientific or financial sections) on ritual background of the Feast of the Beast. The number 28 is said to come from Babylonian magic, the lunar calendar, and a woman’s menstral cycle.
Ancient Babylon divided their day into 12 hours (each of their hours is two of ours). And each Babylonian hour was divided into 30 minutes (so their minute was 4 of our minutes. The Lunar month was 30 days. Seeing how all these 12’s and 30’s occur, it is not surprising that they used a base 60 numbering system. That means you counted to 60 before you got to 10. This is called a sexagesimal system or base 60 system. I was told that the number 28 played a role in the Babylonian calendar but what it was is not clear to me. Anyway, it is likely the number 28 has occult connotations that go back to Babylonian magic. The powerful Rothschilds love Babylonian magic, so it is no surprise that witnesses have seen the leadership of this bloodline at the Feast of the Beast ceremonies.
What does all of this mean for common people, or the true God’s royalty? It means that major policy shifts are likely to be seen after about 2010. While the Illuminati have been having some major power struggles, things will get sorted out better during this time period and major programs launched. No matter what happens it will all fail to detour God’s ultimate will. However, the Illuminati have been fairly confident in their own secret meetings where they describe their 20, 10 and 5 year plans. Many of their plans since the last Feast of the Beast have not had full success, but they remain confident of their power.
This has been a look at one of the most important secret Illuminati ceremonies, a ceremony based on Babylonian and Cabalistic Gematria, where important policy is planned, and having as its participants Satan (who appears as a man/shape shifting reptile) and the leadership of the Illuminati.
Fritz Springmeier

-are we going to see much strange celebrity deaths and stuff? and suicides/deaths of 28 year olds? 
-it looks as if it will start in 2010
 List of books mentioning Feast of the beast:


1 year = 1 solar cycle.
28 days = 1 Lunar cycle.
So using both,
28 years = 1 Lunar cycle of solar cycles

References to the number 28

In mathematics, a perfect number is a positive integer that is the sum of its proper positive divisors, that is, the sum of the positive divisors excluding the number itself. Equivalently, a perfect number is a number that is half the sum of all of its positive divisors (including itself), or σ(n) = 2n.
The first perfect number is 6, because 1, 2, and 3 are its proper positive divisors, and 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. Equivalently, the number 6 is equal to half the sum of all its positive divisors: ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 6 ) / 2 = 6.
The next perfect number is 28 = 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14. This is followed by the perfect numbers 496 and 8128 (sequence A000396 in OEIS).
These first four perfect numbers were the only ones known to early Greek mathematics.

The atomic mass of silicon.
The atomic number of nickel.
The fourth magic number in physics.
The average human menstrual cycle is 28 days

The revolution time of the surface of the Sun on itself is 28 days while its core is revolving in 33 days

In neo-Nazi circles, twenty-eight indicates Blood and Honour (28 = BH - B - second letter of the alphabet and H - the eight letter).

The system of Hebrew Numerology, the number 28 corresponds to the word koakh, meaning "power", "energy".

Some lesser significant references
Approximately the number of grams in an ounce, and used as such in the illegal drug trade. (28.4 grams=1 ounce)

The curing time of concrete is classically considered 28 days

Monday, March 5, 2012


Bakunin on Marx and Rothschild
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.

This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”
Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216. [My translation - UD].

Bakunin on Bismarck and Marx
“the People's State of Marx and the aristocratic-monarchic state of Bismarck are completely identical in terms of their primary domestic and foreign objectives ....Like Bismarck, he [Marx] is a German patriot.”
Source: Sam Dolgoff, ed., Bakunin on Anarchy, P. 319-320.

It's well known that the former Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin, was such a good communist that he once worked for the Rothschilds, the banking and wine family. But now I stumble on a more sensational theory, which suggests the relationship was far more intimate.
In a lengthy piece on a personal website, one Clifford Shack argues that Stalin was fathered not by Vissarion Dzhugashvili but by Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who, he argues, could have met the tyrant's mother while visiting Georgia on a wine trip.


The video was found here

Friday, March 2, 2012


Greek coin. Baal enthroned, holding eagle, corn ear & bunch of grapes. Rev. Lion attacking bull

Moloch Hebrew Molech, king

 A divinity worshipped by the idolatrous Israelites. The Hebrew pointing Molech does not represent the original pronunciation of the name, any more than the Greek vocalization Moloch found in the LXX and in the Acts (vii, 43). The primitive title of this god was very probably Melech, "king", the consonants of which came to be combined through derision with the vowels of the word Bosheth, "shame". As the word Moloch (A.V. Molech) means king, it is difficult in several places of the Old Testament to determine whether it should be considered as the proper name of a deity or as a simple appellative. The passages of the original text in which the name stands probably for that of a god are Lev., xviii, 21; xx, 2-5; III (A. V. I) Kings, xi, 7; IV (II) Kings, xxiii, 10; Isaiah 30:33; 57:9; Jeremiah 32:35. The chief feature of Moloch's worship among the Jews seems to have been the sacrifice of children, and the usual expression for describing that sacrifice was "to pass through the fire", a rite carried out after the victims had been put to death. The special centre of such atrocities was just outside of Jerusalem, at a place called Tophet (probably "place of abomination"), in the valley of Geennom. According to III (I) Kings, xi, 7, Solomon erected "a temple" for Moloch "on the hill over against Jerusalem", and on this account he is at times considered as the monarch who introduced the impious cult into Israel. After the disruption, traces of Moloch worship appear in both Juda and Israel. The custom of causing one's children to pass through the fire seems to have been general in the Northern Kingdom [IV (II) Kings, xvii, 17; Ezech. xxiii, 37], and it gradually grew in the Southern, encouraged by the royal example of Achaz (2 Kings 16:3) and Manasses [IV (II) Kings, xvi, 6] till it became prevalent in the time of the prophet Jeremias (Jerem. xxxii, 35), when King Josias suppressed the worship of Moloch and defiled Tophet [IV (II) Kings, xxiii, 13 (10)]. It is not improbable that this worship was revived under Joakim and continued until the Babylonian Captivity.
On the basis of the Hebrew reading of III (I) Kings, xi, 7, Moloch has often been identified with Milcom, the national god of the Ammonites, but this identification cannot be considered as probable: as shown by the Greek Versions, the original reading of III (I) Kings, xi, 7, was not Molech but Milchom [cf. also III (I) Kings, xi, 5, 33]; and according to Deuteronomy 12:29-31 and 18:9-14, the passing of children through fire was of Chanaanite origin [cf. IV (II) Kings, xvi, 3]. Of late, numerous attempts have been made to prove that in sacrificing their children to Moloch the Israelites simply thought that they were offering them in holocaust to Yahweh. In other words, the Melech to whom child-sacrifices were offered was Yahweh under another name. To uphold this view appeal is made in particular to Jeremiah 7:31 and 19:5, and to Ezekiel 20:25-31. But this position is to say the least improbable. The texts appealed to may well be understood otherwise, and the prophets expressly treat the cult of Moloch as foreign and as an apostasy from the worship of the true God. The offerings by fire, the probable identity of Moloch with Baal, and the fact that in Assyria and Babylonia Malik, and at Palmyra Malach-bel, were sun-gods, have suggested to many that Moloch was a fire- or sun-god.
Catholic Encyclopedia

Biblical Data:
 In the Masoretic text the name is "Molech"; in the Septuagint "Moloch." The earliest mention of Molech is in Lev. xviii. 21, where the Israelite is forbidden to sacrifice any of his children to Molech. Similarly, in Lev. xx. 2-5, it is enacted that a man who sacrifices his seed to Molech shall surely be put to death. Then, curiously, it is provided that he shall be cut off from the congregation. In I Kings xi. 7 it is said that Solomon built a high place for Molech in the mountain "that is before Jerusalem." The same passage calls Molech an Ammonite deity. The Septuagint as quoted in the New Testament (Acts vii. 43) finds a reference to Moloch in Amos v. 26; but this is a doubtful passage. In II Kings xxiii. 10 it is stated that one of the practises to which Josiah put a stop by his reform was that of sacrificing children to Molech, and that the place where this form of worship had been practised was at Topheth, "in the valley of the children of Hinnom." This statement is confirmed by Jer. xxxii. 35. From II Kings xxi. 6 it may be inferred that this worship was introduced during the reign of Manasseh. The impression left by an uncritical reading of these passages is that Molech-worship, with its rite of child-sacrifice, was introduced from Ammon during the seventh century B.C.
Nature of the Worship.
Critical View:
 The name "Molech," later corrupted into "Moloch," is an intentional mispointing of "Melek," after the analogy of "bosheth" (comp. Hoffmann in Stade's "Zeitschrift," iii. 124). As to the rites which the worshipers of Molech performed, it has sometimes been inferred, from the phrase "pass through the fire to Molech," that children were made to pass between two lines of fire as a kind of consecration or februation; but it is clear from Isa. lvii. 5 and Jer. xix. 5 that the children were killed and burned. The whole point of the offering consisted, therefore, in the fact that it was a human sacrifice. From Jer. vii. 31 and Ezek. xx. 25, 26, it is evident that both prophets regarded these human sacrifices as extraordinary offerings to Yhwh. Jeremiah declares that Yhwh had not commanded them, while Ezekiel says Yhwh polluted the Israelites in their offerings by permitting them to sacrifice their first-born, so that through chastisement they might know that Yhwh was Yhwh. The fact, therefore, now generally accepted by critical scholars, is that in the last days of the kingdom human sacrifices were offered to Yhwh as King or Counselor of the nation and that the Prophets disapproved of it and denounced it because it was introduced from outside as an imitation of a heathen cult and because of its barbarity. In course of time the pointing of "Melek" was changed to "Molech" to still further stigmatize the rites.
Motive of Sacrifices.
The motive for these sacrifices is not far to seek. It is given in Micah vi. 7: "Shall I give my first-born for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?" In the midst of the disasters which were befalling the nation men felt that if the favor of Yhwh could be regained it was worth any price they could pay. Their Semitic kindred worshiped their gods with offerings of their children, and in their desperation the Israelites did the same. For some reason, perhaps because not all the priestly and prophetic circles approved of the movement, they made the offerings, not in the Temple, but at an altar or pyre called "Tapheth" (LXX.), erected in the valley of Hinnom (comp. W. R. Smith, "Rel. of Sem." 2d ed., p. 372). "Tapheth," also, was later pointed "Topheth," after the analogy of "bosheth." In connection with these extraordinary offerings the worshipers continued the regular Temple sacrifices to Yhwh (Ezek. xxiii. 39).
 From the fact that I Kings xi. 7 calls Molech the "abomination of the children of Ammon" it was formerly assumed that this worship was an imitation of an Ammonite cult. But so little is known of the Ammonite religion that more recent scholarship has looked elsewhere for the source. Because of the mention in II Kings xvii. 31 of Adrammelech (= Adar-malik) and Anammelech (=Anu-malik) as gods of Sepharvaim transplanted to Samaria, it has been inferred that this form of worship was borrowed from Babylonia (comp. Bäthgen, "Beiträge zur Semitischen Religionsgesch." pp, 238 et seq.). This view rests on the supposition that "Sepharvaim" is equal to "Sippar," which probably is not the case. Even if it were, Anu and Adar were not gods of Sippar; Shamash was god of that city. From this verse, therefore, a Babylonian or Assyrian origin can not be demonstrated.
Support for this view has been sought also in Amos v. 26. If, as is probable, Siccuth and Chiun in that passage are names or epithets of Babylonian deities (comp. Chiun), the use of "Melek" in connection with these affords no sound basis for argument. The whole passage may be, as Wellhausen and Nowack believe, a late gloss introduced on account of II Kings xvii. 31, and is in any case too obscure to build upon. Furthermore, there is noevidence that the sacrifice of the first-born was a feature of the worship of Babylonian deities. Because child-sacrifice was a prominent feature of the worship of the Phenician Malik-Baal-Kronos, Moore (in Cheyne and Black, "Encyc. Bibl.") seeks to prove that the worship of Moloch was introduced from Phenicia. The evidence of its existence in Phenicia and her colonies is especially strong. Diodorus Siculus (xx. 14) tells how the Carthaginians in a siege sacrificed two hundred boys to Kronos. Burning was an important feature of the rite.
Jewish Encyclopedia

Baal was believed to be the God of fertility. Baal was pictured as a man-like bull. In this religion, the people would pray to Baal in order to keep their land fertile, for they saw that their land was more fertile than any other land in the close region.  They believed, however, that Baal would die at the end of each season, and the only way to resurrect him was through animal blood.  As time passed, however, they began to think that he required the blood of an infant.  So, at the end of each season, the women of the area would bring their infants to the temple.  There the infants would be burned alive, a gruesome act at the willing hand of their mothers.

Moloch According to the Encyclopaedia Britanica:
Moloch, also spelled Molech, a deity to whom child sacrifices were made throughout the ancient middle east. The names derived from combining the consonants of the Hebrew melech (“king”) with the vowels of boshet (“Shame”), the later often being used in the old testament as a variant name for the popular god Baal.”
(“Moloch.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaesdia Britannica Inc., 2012)

The ancient Greek historian, Diodorus, reports that Queen Semiramis erected a 130-foot obelisk in Babylon and it was associated with sun worship and represented the phallus of the sun god Baal or Nimrod. Some Masonic researchers say that the word 'obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'. It is for this reason that the obelisk also represents the Illuminati bloodlines.--David Icke